Vania Propolis
Merci Propolis Vania Archives Khasiat Qnc Jelly Gamat Abstract background: the aim of this study was to examine factors associated with avulsion injury and to specify the association between these factors and the treatment, as well as the outcomes of avulsed permanent incisors in children. materials and methods: the sample consisted of 51 children with 62 avulsed permanent incisors, whose injuries had been managed in the period 1998–2006. Propolis ima svojstvo da zaustavlja abnormalno razmnožavanje stanica (citostatik) i liječi dobroćudne tumore. poznato je da propolis stimulira stvaranje novih stanica i regeneraciju oštećenog tkiva. propolis pomaže i u slučaju teških dijareja, gdje su drugi lijekovi bespomoćni. Propolis vania dibuat dengan teknik ekstraksi maserasi dengan evaporator suhu rendah sebagai antibiotik, antivirus dan anti jamur alami tanpa efek samping. propolis memang belum dibuktikan secara klinis bisa mengatasi hiv. namun, berdasar riset in vitro di laboratorium yang di...